The standard sorting that Relic uses for its RBFs makes the data index array fairly redundant, however custom RBF burners will often store things in a different order which necessitates the data index array. These are used for looking up a tables children data values. The data index array consists of continual references to index of entries in the data array, stored as 32-bit unsigned integers.

They are referred to by the order they occur in the file.

These are used as the name of the various properties in the decompiled attributes file. The key array consists of 64 byte NULL padded ASCII strings. It will look for the denoted index id, and then read an amount of values from that point that corresponds to the value denoted in the tables data index lookup.Īlso note that the first table of any RBF contains the file's root nodes, which are nodes that are on the top level of the tree and not inside any other tables. If it has multiple children, then it will attempt to look up the index from the data array index instead. If the table only has a single child, then it look up the child entries directly from the relevant entry in the data array. If the table has no children, then the data index lookup is ignored. that a data entry that attempts to look up the table with an index of 55 would simply fetch the 56th value in the table array (taking into account that the first value would have an index id of 0). They are referred to simply by the order in which they occur in the file, meaning i.e. The table array consists of entries with two 32-bit unsigned integer values each. However, the default Relic format is the same order as in the header: The actual arrays in the file can occur in any order, since references to their location and their lengths are handled by the header. Header consists of 10 subsets of 32-bit unsigned integers. So far there is only one know format declaration: The format declaration is what tells the game or editor that this is a valid RBF file. The header starts with a 8 byte long format declaration. For example all abilities contain a "start_target_actions" key that contains a table of RBF Actions that determine the ability effects, including modifying the target's attributes, damaging them, teleporting them, reinforcing them, making them retreat, taunting them, making them invulnerable and many others. In certain cases, RBF attributes can be modularly added to an RBF to determine the actions of a certain event. Each node can either have an integer value, a string (text) value, a float (decimal) value, or a table (it contains other nodes). RBF files consist of a tree of key/value pairs a name and a value. Relic Binary Files, or RBFs are the standard files used by Dawn of War II for storing attributes for all the games units, squads, abilities, wargear, weapons and many others.